[Coco] Invite for candidates of the GCCC elections

Eric eric at canales.me
Sat Oct 13 09:50:13 EDT 2018

I posted about this on Facebook but I can post here too for anyone who
doesn't use FB. My name's Eric Canales and i've been a CoCo fan ever since
I was a kid. My first real computer was a CoCo and this was in the mid-90s!
I grew up in the country and was perfectly happy to learn programming on
it, as we all know it's a lot of fun to use. I've moved to Chicago in the
last couple years and joined the community. I've met a lot of cool people
and I've had a lot of fun building up my own collection. I've started a
couple projects including an 6x09 IDE that I hope to release before the
Fest. I'm a photographer and took the 3D pictures of our last Fest, they're
at www.color-computer.com.

Whether I'm elected or not, what I'd like to bring to the club is an open
ear and a more fun experience for everyone at the CoCo Fest. I'd like to
try and find new people to bring into the club and I'd like to keep the
club going for at least another 28 years. I plan on doing this by talking
with the community, and welcoming anybody to get a hold of me if they have
any ideas or concerns. I want to see the Fest run smoother by making sure
we have enough space, and making sure all the exhibitors are happy with how
things are run. I'd like to bring new people in by engaging with the public
at large and finding people who may not know about the Glenside club or
perhaps are just uninvolved now. Feel free to email me if you have anything
you want to say!

Eric Canales

On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 2:55 PM Salvador Garcia via Coco <
coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:

> Since the Glenside Color Computer Club elections are coming up on Oct. 18,
> I would like to post a kind invitation to the candidates for President and
> VP to post something about themselves and the ideas they have for the club.
> Post on the Facebook group, CoCo list, Discord, on your own Website if
> available, or send your content to John Mark Mobley and he'll post it on
> the club's website. Online voting available for club members in good
> standing. More information in the latest newsletter:
> http://www.glensideccc.com/…/lib…/newsletters/gccc38_2nl.pdf
> Salvador
> --
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