[Coco] MLB Team Logos

Stephen Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Sat Mar 31 13:24:32 EDT 2018

Scerbo, Fred B. "Return of baseball fever." (1985,
September) 104« — Baseball team logos.

Program is in Rainbow on Tape September 1985.


On 3/31/2018 9:59 AM, Kevin Becker wrote:
> When I was a kid, I recall having a BASIC program that drew the Detroit
> Tigers logo on the screen.  I'm assuming I typed this in from a magazine at
> some point but it's possible I made it myself.  I know I did like to put
> saran wrap over images, trace it in grease pencil, then stick it on the TV
> screen to use as a template.  I would painstakingly reproduce the image
> with DRAW commands.  But my memory of the Tiger's logo was pretty intricate
> and I don't know that I would've had the patience for that.
> Does this ring any bells?  If so, any idea where to find the listings for
> these apps?

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