[Coco] Making my 80T 2S OS-9 Boot Disks boot able

Stephen Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Mon Mar 26 22:40:52 EDT 2018

I just realized that the floppy controller in SHF15 was for the DISTO 
No-Halt and that may be why it may not boot.

I keep thinking that the offset to the boot track is messed up by the 
conversion to a .dsk is the problem. That's why I asked the question for 
using DED. Double sided disk to single sided .dsk.

So I must either find what I did for the original Jeff Vavasour's CoCo 3 
emulator, Or try another disk. Someone wants to stay far far away from 
NitrOS-9 Level-I due to the decreased memory available.

So it's OS-9 Level-I that needs to be booted in VCC, I just thought it 
was better to go with my last system which I want to get running anyway.

Perhaps SHF13 OS-9 L-I V02.00.00 which may use SDISK.

It has been so many decades since I tried to get my old system running.

I live ~ .25 mile from Murphy's house so he has many chances to mess up 
what I want to do.

NitrOS-9, the last time I tried to download it I got 100GB in addition 
to the OS with every book, help file and so on ever written for the 
CoCo. I stopped that install just in time and went back to the last 
restore point.

Now it's Hyper-V and Vista for CoCo stuff so my W10 laptop will not get 
messed up. But that is an animal that I have yet to tame. The Virtual 
Machines I used before were easy compared to Hyper-V.

BTY, The computers with floppy disk are down to two and one is my 
Weather Station and the other is about to get a new MB due to problems 
with the old one. It must be in good shape to be a backup HTPC.


On 3/26/2018 7:04 PM, Robert Gault wrote:
> Stephen Fischer wrote:
>> Is there a value that I can change with DED to make my boot disks 
>> boot-able on VCC.
>> They were transferred from 3.5" disks using ?????.
>> http://cococoding.com/sfischer/SHF%20OS-9%20Disks/Z/SHF15.DSK
>> Is the I really want to convert.
>> TIA
>> SHF
> Stephen,
> I just got a copy of the program from your url and can't yet answer your 
> question as asked. However, why don't you use VCC itself to make copies 
> of your 3.5" disks?
> Assuming you have a 3.5" drive on your PC, start VCC and from the menu 
> select Cartridge/FD-502 Config. You will see that you can change 
> (Physical Drives) A: and B: from none to a drive#. So, click on A: and 
> select Drive 2. Then mount your NitrOS-9 boot disk in Drive 0 and a 
> blank .dsk/.os9 image in Drive 1. Now boot into NitrOS-9, Format drive 2 
> to the equivalence of the disk in your PC 3.5" drive, and Backup /d2 /d1.
> If needed, use Dmode to set /d1 and /d2 as needed.
> Now to do the above you need the support program fdrawcmd.sys. If you 
> don't have it, I can send it to you.
> Robert

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