camillus blockx camillus.b.58 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 17:12:56 EST 2018

Hi all,

Is it correct to state that there where only 3 different MPI's made by Radio Shack?

And if so could someone tell me if there was any difference in length an/or  width, or did it stay the same as in the MPI manual that is in the archive?

Also how many boards of coco 1, 2 and 3 exist?

Can the owners of coco 1 and 2 boards send me a picture of there board and the max X, Y measurements?

This is for my project to make a new COCO CASE.

Send photo's of the board to my personal Email : camillus.b.58 <@> gmail.com.
leave the < > out when copy the address.

Thank you in advance...

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