[Coco] TL866A problems

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Fri Jun 8 21:25:14 EDT 2018

On Friday 08 June 2018 20:12:17 Carlos Camacho wrote:

>  >I use the "AM27128A @DIP28" IC setting under Select IC and a
>  > combination
> ROM file I >created the same way do described below.  I occasionally
> get errors on some EPROMs, but I >bypass them by de-selecting
> "Check-ID" under the Options menu on the lower left-hand >corner.
> ->Paul
> I tried unchecking the 'Check ID'
> I also tried selecting AM27C128A @28pin.
> My combined ROM is 16,384 bytes.
> So frustrating as I did it so many times in the past but can't
> remember what I did before to make it fool proof. I guess I am still
> the fool. lol
> Carlos

How old is this programmer device? And does it have any electrolytic 
capacitors on it.

I ask because if its 10+ years old, it may have some bad electrolytic 
capacitors now, mainly with horrible ESR today. And a programmer would 
doubly sensitive to such problems.  Banggood has a quick kit that 
measures that and lots of other things, for about a $20 bill. 11% of the 
cost of a Capacitor Wizard, so I bought 2 of them, and they work as 
advertised, even in-circuit measurements just like the $200 Wizard. Just 
one caveat, discharge any caps before touching the leads as its possible 
to blow a gate with a charged cap.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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