[Coco] My Vcc project update.

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Wed Jul 11 21:51:09 EDT 2018


I think that John Kowalski developed the MAME artifacting code but in any case you should look at 
the source code in Devices/Video/mc6847.cpp . At least that was the code for the 1.86 version.

Here is the section and note the commentary about "this code sucks."


	PORT_CONFNAME( 0x03, 0x01, "Artifacting" )
	PORT_CONFSETTING(    0x00, DEF_STR( Off ) )
	PORT_CONFSETTING(    0x01, DEF_STR( Standard ) )
	PORT_CONFSETTING(    0x02, DEF_STR( Reverse ) )

ioport_constructor mc6847_base_device::device_input_ports() const
	return INPUT_PORTS_NAME(mc6847_artifacting);

//  ctor

	m_config = nullptr;
	m_artifacting = 0;
	m_saved_artifacting = 0;
	m_saved_c0 = 0;
	m_saved_c1 = 0;
	memset(m_expanded_colors, 0, sizeof(m_expanded_colors));

//  artifacter::setup_config

void mc6847_base_device::artifacter::setup_config(device_t *device)
	char port_name[32];
	snprintf(port_name, ARRAY_LENGTH(port_name), "%s:%s", device->tag(), ARTIFACTING_TAG);
	m_config = device->ioport(port_name);

//  artifacter::update_colors

void mc6847_base_device::artifacter::update_colors(pixel_t c0, pixel_t c1)
	/* Boy this code sucks; this code was adapted from the old M6847
	 * artifacting implmentation.  The only reason that it didn't look as
	 * horrible was because the code around it sucked as well.  Now that I
	 * have cleaned everything up, the ugliness is much more prominent.
	 * Hopefully we will have a generic artifacting algorithm that plugs into
	 * the MESS/MAME core directly so we can chuck this hack */
	static const double artifact_colors[14*3] =
		0.157, 0.000, 0.157, /* [ 1] - dk purple   (reverse  2) */
		0.000, 0.157, 0.000, /* [ 2] - dk green    (reverse  1) */
		1.000, 0.824, 1.000, /* [ 3] - lt purple   (reverse  4) */
		0.824, 1.000, 0.824, /* [ 4] - lt green    (reverse  3) */
		0.706, 0.236, 0.118, /* [ 5] - dk blue     (reverse  6) */
		0.000, 0.197, 0.471, /* [ 6] - dk red      (reverse  5) */
		1.000, 0.550, 0.393, /* [ 7] - lt blue     (reverse  8) */
		0.275, 0.785, 1.000, /* [ 8] - lt red      (reverse  7) */
		0.000, 0.500, 1.000, /* [ 9] - red         (reverse 10) */
		1.000, 0.500, 0.000, /* [10] - blue        (reverse  9) */
		1.000, 0.942, 0.785, /* [11] - cyan        (reverse 12) */
		0.393, 0.942, 1.000, /* [12] - yellow      (reverse 11) */
		0.236, 0.000, 0.000, /* [13] - black-blue  (reverse 14) */
		0.000, 0.000, 0.236  /* [14] - black-red   (reverse 13) */

	static const uint8_t artifact_correction[128] =
		0,  0,       0,  0,      0,  6,      0,  2,
		5,  7,       5,  7,      1,  3,      1, 11,
		8,  6,       8, 14,      8,  9,      8,  9,
		4,  4,       4, 15,     12, 12,     12, 15,

		5, 13,       5, 13,     13,  0,     13,  2,
		10, 10,     10, 10,     10, 15,     10, 11,
		3,  1,       3,  1,     15,  9,     15,  9,
		11, 11,     11, 11,     15, 15,     15, 15,

		14,  0,     14,  0,     14,  6,     14,  2,
		0,  7,       0,  7,      1,  3,      1, 11,
		9,  6,       9, 14,      9,  9,      9,  9,
		15,  4,     15, 15,     12, 12,     12, 15,

		2, 13,       2, 13,      2,  0,      2,  2,
		10, 10,     10, 10,     10, 15,     10, 11,
		12,  1,     12,  1,     12,  9,     12,  9,
		15, 11,     15, 11,     15, 15,     15, 15

	pixel_t colors[16];
	int i;

	/* do we need to update our artifact colors table? */
	if ((m_artifacting != m_saved_artifacting) || (c0 != m_saved_c0) || (c1 != m_saved_c1))
		m_saved_artifacting = m_artifacting;
		m_saved_c0 = colors[0] = c0;
		m_saved_c1 = colors[15] = c1;

		/* mix the other colors */
		for (i = 1; i <= 14; i++)
			const double *factors = &artifact_colors[((i - 1) ^ (m_artifacting & 0x01)) * 3];

			colors[i] = (mix_color(factors[0], c0 >> 16, c1 >> 16) << 16)
					|   (mix_color(factors[1], c0 >>  8, c1 >>  8) <<  8)
					|   (mix_color(factors[2], c0 >>  0, c1 >>  0) <<  0);
		for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
			m_expanded_colors[i] = colors[artifact_correction[i]];

//  artifacter::update

mc6847_base_device::pixel_t mc6847_base_device::artifacter::mix_color(double factor, uint8_t c0, 
uint8_t c1)
	return (uint32_t) (uint8_t) ((c0 * (1.0 - factor)) + (c1 * (0.0 + factor)) + 0.5);

Walter wrote:
> Artifacting may be tricky for me because I only have a PAL CoCo III.
>  From memory artifacting changes depending on PAL or NTSC versions.
> But if I look at the MAME code that might help!!!
> <snip>

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