[Coco] CoCo FDD controller with ADOS 1.01

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Wed Jan 10 16:13:32 EST 2018

Oswaldo, are you using the controller in a CoCo 3?  If so, if you want
ADOS, you should download ADOS-3, the version written specifically for the
CoCo 3 that takes advantage of the CoCo 3's capabilities.  You configure it
using the provided utilities and have it burned into an EPROM.  (There are
people on the list that will burn EPROMs for you.)

The original ADOS will work in a CoCo 3, but not all that well.

There is also Extended ADOS-3, which needs to be burned into a 16K (double
the usual capacity) EPROM along with ADOS-3.  That will give you a built-in
Ramdisk, support for real-time clocks, advanced program-editing
capabilities, and much more.


On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 12:24 PM, Oswaldo Aquique <oaquique at hotmail.com>

> Hi,
> Got a CoCo floppy disk controller (26-3029) from eBay and it came with
> ADOS 1.01 loaded in ROM.
> Pros/Cons? (I'm not familiarized with ADOS and the BASIC version included).
> Is there a way to get a copy of the original ROM for this adapter?
> Thanks,
> Oswaldo
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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