[Coco] OS-9 C was Re: 3rdPart Editor

Bill Pierce ooogalapasooo at aol.com
Tue Dec 18 00:38:01 EST 2018

Bill, the C3 repo on toolshed was someone's effort to take the sources from some of the latest compiler components and build them on Linux as a crosscompiler. I don't think anything there was meant to build or run on a Coco...
Ok, here's a rundown...

Toolshed/C3 - attempt at a C cross compiler

Nitros9/3rdparty/packages/c_compiler - mostly the old tandy stuff, with the exception of "c.comp" & the Kreider clib

Various utilities on RTSI under "prog", "languages" & "utilites - this where the various enhancements are found.

Of course the original disks can be found in the Color Computer Archives (I think)

My C setup is:

TK's makercr (custom frontend by Mike Knudsen)
c.prep  (original Tandy)c.comp  (the one from the nitros9 repo)
CNoY (custom masseuse by Mike Knudsen)
c.opt (original Tandy)RMARLink

For libraries, I use:

clib.l & clibt.l by Carl Kreider
cgfx7 by Mike Sweet
 I use this compiler setup in everything I do in OS9 C.

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