[Coco] Machine Code

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Wed May 31 17:44:43 EDT 2017

> Bill Pierce ooogalapasooo at aol.comĀ  <mailto:coco%40maltedmedia.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BCoco%5D%20Machine%20Code&In-Reply-To=%3C15c606a7c48-4563-22c03%40webprd-m48.mail.aol.com%3E>
> Wed May 31 17:30:10 EDT 2017
> Dave, we're actually working on doing some of that in the Nitros9 code. The big thing is going to be labels over 8 chars in the defs files. These are used throughout the code base and are in hundreds of files. It would probably be easier to make the os9 assembler support 16 char names LMAO
> And BTW, tabs are supported in Ed 3.1. Use the <Shft><R Arrow> in the editor to create a tab. An unlike some os9 editors, it does not create a tab made of spaces, but a true tab char.
Increasing the label length in the asm command is an excellent idea! I like it!

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