[Coco] Is this too much $

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Tue May 30 20:30:50 EDT 2017

On 31/05/2017 9:31 AM, Michael Brant wrote:

> Price guides Dont take a lot into account.  Is someone parting with a spare
> or their only one.  Is someone buying their first or just a backup.
> Reputation of seller. Rarity of items vs how many know what it even is.

This, plus they're out of date the week after they are written.

I keep a lazy eye on sales/auctions for all things retro, though to be 
honest my collection is, and has been for several years now, all-but 
complete. IMHO, if you see something you've been after for a while, and 
you can afford it, then by all means do some token amount of research 
but you're better off just jumping on it because it won't last long.

I can't count the number of items I've passed on over the years for 
being too expensive at the time and now see them for 2x and 3x the price 
now. I've even got a handful of items that are now worth at least 10x 
what I paid for them! :O Crazy!

Retro is big business and I think it'll stay that way for a long time 
yet. And the Coco is no exception.


Mark McDougall

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