[Coco] Can anyone verify an error in the NitrOS9 tech manual?

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Sat May 20 07:36:44 EDT 2017

I think I have found what appears to be an error in the NitrOS9 
Technical Manual on page 145.  This page explains the use of the F$Seek 
system call which repositions a file pointer.  The entry conditions of 
the system call in the original OS9 Level 2 Technical Reference are:

A = path number
X = MS 16 bits of desired file position
U = LS 16 bits of desired file position

The reference to using the user stack pointer in this case seems 
illogical since the U pointer is used for a pointer to the user memory 
area in an OS9 program and you normally would not want to disrupt it.  
Logically, one would think that this is a typo and the 'U' should be 
replaced with 'Y' above.

And if you read the NitrOS9 Technical manual on page 145 it appears that 
this 'typo' has been corrected as the entry conditions read:

A = path number
X = MS 16 bits of desired file position
Y = LS 16 bits of desired file position

However, I have found that indeed the correct usage is as described in 
the original OS9 reference using the user stack pointer, U.  I believe 
that there is no 'typo' in the original manual and that the NitrOS9 
manual is wrong.  Therefore, in most cases, the programmer must save the 
value in "U", make the system call, then restore the value in "U".

Can anyone verify this?


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