[Coco] CoCo Talk #7 "For Beginners" Saturday, May 6th @ 2:00 PM EST

Steve Strowbridge ogsteviestrow at gmail.com
Sat May 6 18:38:43 EDT 2017

Here is the replay to talk #7

We kept it as general as possible, but it's impossible to be completely
non-technical, but I think it was good, we had a few people new to the CoCo
hobby get some good information out of the show, as well as brain stormed
some ideas for future shows and the format of the show in general.

This whole idea exists because there are people willing to talk about the
CoCo and people willing to listen.  The more suggestions and requests we
get, the better the show will be, and the more subject matter we'll have
for later shows.

Steve Strowbridge, aka
The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
ogsteviestrow at gmail.com

On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 6:31 PM, RETRO Innovations <go4retro at go4retro.com>

> On 5/6/2017 4:42 PM, L. Curtis Boyle wrote:
>> I think the main purpose is just to have some variety, so that we have
>> something of interest (and education) for all users, of all levels.
> If my posts imply I want a lack of variety, I apologize.
>> I wouldn’t count #6 as non-technical; it was a Fest wrap up.
> I am listening to it now, as I was at VCF-SE last week and could not
> attend.  It does seem like it.  That said, I did not take a break to join
> last week because the advert for it implied (as I previously noted) it
> would be a non technical session (which is fine, but it's hard to step away
> from a booth, and I'm not a good general purpose Coco information resource
> anyway).  So, seeing the #7 advert for a non technical session made me
> wonder.
> Jim
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