[Coco] Robocop on the cocoflash

Rietveld Rietveld rietveldh at hotmail.com
Thu May 4 21:02:44 EDT 2017

Thank you for the explanation. Predator and robocop were my last two roms. I just assumed that they followed the 32k order. Thanks again

  Original Message
From: Barry Nelson
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2017 8:43 PM
To: coco at maltedmedia.com
Reply To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [Coco] Robocop on the cocoflash

> Rietveld Rietveld rietveldh at hotmail.com  <mailto:coco%40maltedmedia.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BCoco%5D%20Robocop%20on%20the%20cocoflash&In-Reply-To=%3CDM5PR14MB13068936DCE378A2221E540EB6EB0%40DM5PR14MB1306.namprd14.prod.outlook.com%3E>
> Thu May 4 20:20:30 EDT 2017
> Btw if u know of a simpler solution I am definitely open to it. This was a bit more tedious than I thought
> ,
>>   Original Message
>> From: Barry Nelson
>> Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2017 8:17 PM
>> To: coco at maltedmedia.com <https://pairlist5.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/coco>
>> Reply To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
>> Subject: [Coco] Robocop on the cocoflash
>> I am pretty certain that when I flashed this rom I did it from the lowest numbered segment to the highest, not highest to lowest.
>> ??
Because the CoCo can only access 64k of memory at one time, and because of the way the PRGFLASH program was designed to work on a CoCo 1, the maximum amount of rom that can be flashed at one time is 16k. Any rom larger than 16k must be broken into smaller pieces before being flashed.

I am fairly certain that you should be flashing the lowest numbered segment first for any 64k or 128k rom such as Robocop. It is only the 32k rom image files where the two 16k segments are reversed. I believe this is discussed in the documentation. The reverse order for 32k roms really just has to do with the weird file format chosen for 32k ccc files. If you were to read the rom your self in an eprom burner, the segments would not be reversed, just for some reason someone arbitrarily decided that the ccc file format for 32k rom files would have the two 16k halves reversed, but only for 32k roms, non of the other sizes. I’ll be darned if I know why they did that.

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