[Coco] CoCo SDC Harddrive Mode

Ed Orbea ed.orbea at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 18:49:34 EDT 2017

Thanks for the explanation/clarification regarding the harddrive mode.

I did use Allen Huffman's original set of blog posts to create my 
NitrOS-9 image.

The lsn0 (lsn0 /dd) command shows:
Total number of sectors: 524280
Sectors per track: 1
Bytes in allocation map: 65535
Cluster size: 1
Address of root directory: 257
Owner number: 0
Attributes: FF (dsewrewr)
DIsk id: 47030
Media Format: 1 (48tpi SDDS)
Sectors per track (trqck 0): 1
Address of bootstrap: 266
Length of bootstrap file: 27536

The dmode (dmode /dd) command shows:
nam: DD
mgr: RBF
ddr: RBSuper
hpn: 07
drv: 00
stp: 00
typ: 80
dns: 00
cyl: 007F
vfy: 01
sct:: 0020
t0s: 0020
ilv: 01
sas: 10
wpc: 00
ofs: 00
rwc: <null>

The mdir command shows:
REL, Boot, KRN, KrnP2, IOMan, Init, RBF, RBSuper,
llcocosdc, SD0, SD1, DD, rb1773, D0, D1, D2,
rbdw, dwio, X0, X1, X2, X3 scdwp, P, N, N1, N2,
N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13,
MIDI, SCF, VT10, Keydrv, Joydrv, Snddrv, CoGrf,
Term, W, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, Pipeman,
Piper, Pipe, CLock, CLock2, GrfDrv, Shell,
and the other utilities loaded with Shell and UTIL1

With 3 (W1, W2 and W3) 80x24 windows, the mfree command shows:
14000 - 17FFF  02blocks  016k
20000 - 79FFF  2Dblocks  360k
for a total of 2Fblocks / 376k

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