[Coco] Using DriveWire to write network software

Lee Patterson lee at 8bitcoder.com
Wed Mar 29 22:05:27 EDT 2017

Mark’s Doom example is exactly what I am talking about. 

Lee’s Coco > dw > server > dw > Mark’s Coco

Lee’s coco talks Lee’s dw via the bitbanger port. dw talks to the server via tcp/ip. Mark’s coco talks to his dw and his dw talks to the same server via tcp/ip. 

I’m just looking for sample code for the coco to talk to the dw server on the coco, and how dw will connect to a tcp/ip socket.


On 3/29/17, 12:40 PM, "Coco on behalf of Mark D. Overholser" <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com on behalf of marko555.os2 at gmail.com> wrote:

    On 29-Mar-17 07:35, Steve Strowbridge wrote:
    > Sounds like a couple of topics happening at once, related to general
    > networking, protocols and drivewire, I'll leave that discussion to the
    > legitimately smart people, myself not included :)
    A Networked Game would require "tackling" several Topics at once..
    Luckily, this is one of my favorite topics...
    > Regarding on-line gaming, while I'm sure this is a very realistic
    > possibility to have some sort of passive, and in-line adapter that would
    > accept a remote user's CoCo Joystick input, that only solves the problem of
    > the controller, it doesn't address any of the client/server issues of both
    > people being in literally the "same game", so, if a hardware route was
    > devised, then something like a Skype screen share would be required, so the
    > other person could see the actual game they were participating with.  That
    > solution is pretty easy to implement with existing technologies, and the
    > only downside I see, is the lag/latency of the screen sharing, which may
    > not be optimal for rapid reflex type games.
    If you remember back to 1993, and the MS-DOS DOOM, there was a Two 
    Player Mode that used the RS-232 Serial Port and a Null Modem Cable... 
    As I Recall, ( and a little Google Search confirmed ), that Data 
    Exchange for DOOM on RS-232 is at 8 N 1 9600.  Which is 960 Characters 
    per second.. ( with 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit and No Parity )
    Each Computer was Playing the Full Game, only the Player State ( and 
    changes to the Environment ) were being Exchanged between the Two 
    Machines..   The Bit-Banger Serial Port on the CoCo is capable of 9600 
    bps, so I think Networked CoCos are very possible.
    > So, a more grand, and elegant solution would be a revised emulator that
    > supports multiplayer, at that point the controller issue is already
    > virtualized, so it's really just figuring out how to have the "shared
    > experience" with two people in real-time or as close as possible.
    Does VCC or Mame for the CoCo support the Serial Ports??   This would 
    also possible for networked gaming..
    > So maybe re-inventing a wheel is a bigger challenge than a hardware device,
    > but something to think about.
    DriveWire is a Possible Network Transport, so is the Lantronix, UDS-10s 
    also the CoCoNIC in development or even another Networking option, 
    including Wireless...   ( ESP 8266 WiFi Modules )
    > If I may also be so bold as to suggest, that if the mega multi player
    > emulator was to become "a thing" it would be great if that product could be
    > as plug and play/user friendly as possible for non-techies, and, if even
    > possible, as cross platform as possible, maybe even extending to things
    > like Android/IOS and game consoles?
    Starting with MAME/MESS, and adding Network Support would be the start 
    of the Goal..  But each Emulated Platform would need a Network Layer 
    Designed..  And Games ( and other applications ) would need to be 
    Patched or Designed to support the Networking.
    > This solution opens the doors for new CoCo software development to a much
    > larger audience of non technophiles, and possible meaning even more "sales"?
    A World Wide Audience...   With Retro Computing becoming a Specilized 
    Interest, our "User Group" is not just local, but World Wide.. 
    Networking Classic Hardware is another way of Socializing with "Members 
    of our User Group"...
    > Since I'm just responsible for creating the wish, I will use the philosophy
    > of "Go Big or Go Home" :)
    My notes I have been "compiling" for the past year are to make 
    supporting Multiple Platforms a Goal from the Beginning..   I am hoping 
    that is "Big Enough"
    > Steve Strowbridge, aka
    > The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
    > http://ogsteviestrow.com
    > ogsteviestrow at gmail.com
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