[Coco] C interpreter for Coco BASIC?

James Ross jrosslist at outlook.com
Fri Mar 17 20:29:06 EDT 2017

> James wrote:
> > Out of curiosity, how compatible w/ CB/ECB/DECB are you 
> > shooting for?

Jim wrote:
> The code can be 100% compatible, but compatibility is a 
> tricky thing to define. 

I agree completely Jim. Tricky, but doable – the peeks/pokes and other commands that deal w/ hardware, would have to be implemented very much like an emulator.

> For reasons that will become evident after the show, things 
> like POKE, PEEK, INPUT, GET, OPEN, CLOSE operations can't be 
> supported in my project, but I will try to put the code in to 
> parse them and put stubs in so that others can implement them 
> if desired. 

I’ll be curious to see what you are coming up with!  Good luck w/ it!


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