[Coco] CP-400/Coco Users that need a Floppy Disk controller

Michael R. Furman n6il at ocs.net
Sat Mar 11 13:12:00 EST 2017

I was listening to the TRS-80 Trash Talk PodCast Episode #13 earlier in the week.  In that episode Ian Maveric said he has been working on a Floppy Disk controller that will fit in the front slot of a CP-400.  Ian was interested in gauging the interest in this controller and I know there are some CP-400 users lurking on this list.  If you are interested you should reach out to him and let him know.  

For Cocos, Mav also has a FD-502 clone controller for a Coco available.

Ian Maveric’s Web page with his contact info is here:

http://ianmav.customer.netspace.net.au/trs80/ <http://ianmav.customer.netspace.net.au/trs80/>

If you want to listen to the podcast, here is a link to TRS-80 Trash Talk Episode #13:

http://www.trs80trashtalk.com/2017/03/episode-13.html <http://www.trs80trashtalk.com/2017/03/episode-13.html>


Michael R. Furman
Email: n6il at ocs.net
Phone: +1 (408) 480-5865

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