[Coco] Beginning. Ending, and Exec address

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Fri Mar 10 15:35:35 EST 2017

On Friday 10 March 2017 14:31:46 Bill wrote:

> Copy doesn't get it. I've tried. It's a .BiN file.
A .bin?

For looking at track 34 I think what you need is a utility from my web 
page I called KERNAL2DIR.

What it does is add, to the directory structure of an os9 disk, a 
directory entry called kernal, mis-spelling intentional. That doesn't 
allocate that space to the fat because it already has been, so to undo 
that, use ded to zero the first byte of the name, and my gsort will 
clean up the rest of that. Without touching the allocated bits in the 
fat that write protect track 34.

As for that boot track, it DOES have a DOS ID 2 bytes "OS", a size in 2 
bytes, and exec address, 2 bytes as a 6 byte header so rsdos recognizes 
it, loads it and execs it when you type DOS on a diskbasic1.1 or higher 

You need the DOS command for a diskbasic1.0 system

Sounds like a rsdos version of hdbdos if I were a guessing man. In that 
event, the rsdos copy command ought to just work. I am puzzled that it 

If track 34 is a true 1st stage os9 bootloader, my 'vfy -sk' command can 
split that track into its 5 component parts, that 6 byte header, the 3 
os9 modules contained in track 34, and a 5th small file of any trailing 
bytes there might be after os9p1 or krn1 as the case may be.

I'm just throwing all that out there in case its helpfull Allen. Once the 
directory entry is made, you can look at track 34 to see what is there 
with "vfy kernal", but ident won't work because the 6 byte header on a 
proper kernel track leaves it totally confused. That is why I wrote vfy 
in the first place, it searches thru the file looking for the $87CD that 
marks the start of a genuine os9 module.  Even if it has to march thru 
megabytes of junk in front of it to find it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coco [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On Behalf Of William
> Astle Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 2:29 PM
> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Beginning. Ending, and Exec address
> On 2017-03-10 11:32 AM, Bill wrote:
> > I'm trying to copy HDBDos 1.4 DW3 CC3 from one disk to another, but
> > it won't copy correctly without the Beginning. Ending, and Exec
> > addresses.
> You don't say what tool or method you're trying to use to do this copy
> so any answers you get are going to be shots in the dark.
> However, have you considered the COPY command?
> --
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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