[Coco] Pac Man V 0.53 - Give it a try, if you want

Steve Strowbridge ogsteviestrow at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 20:09:42 EST 2017

This sounds very cool, if you ever get to the point where you'd like to do
a video interview to show this off, let me know.
I have about 180+ game play reviews on my channel already that get pretty
good views, and about a half dozen or so interviews with coco developers as
well, past and present.
Thanks for adding more reasons for us to love our CoCo!

Steve Strowbridge, aka
The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
ogsteviestrow at gmail.com

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 7:25 PM, Glen Hewlett <glen.hewlett at sympatico.ca>

> Hi fellow CoCo nuts,
> I’ve spent the last three months transcoding Pac Man to the CoCo3 and I’m
> at the point where I have to modify a lot of the video code from copying
> the Pac Man hardware to direct CoCo 3 hardware which will give it a speed
> boost.  As of now it runs at about 1/2 to 1/3rd the speed of the original
> Pac Man arcade machine.  The cutscenes need to be fixed and there is no
> sound.  But I think most CoCo owners will get a kick out of seeing Pac Man
> running on there CoCo 3’s.  I’ve included the source code which will I will
> be changing a lot soon (explained in the link below), so I figured this is
> a good point to share the code as it’s a good example of how the arcade
> machines in the ’80 worked.
> Feel free to read more about it and how to get it running on your 512k
> CoCo 3 at the link below:
> https://nowhereman999.wordpress.com/2017/03/08/zilog-z80-to-motorola-6809-
> transcode-part-019-you-can-try-it-if-you-want/ <https://nowhereman999.
> wordpress.com/2017/03/08/zilog-z80-to-motorola-6809-
> transcode-part-019-you-can-try-it-if-you-want/>
> CoCo forever...
> Glen
> --
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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