[Coco] Drivewire over PI was: The BIGGEST PROBLEM with (So-Called) NEW CoCo Hardware...

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Tue Mar 7 14:12:38 EST 2017

On Tuesday 07 March 2017 12:16:00 Allen Huffman wrote:

> > On Mar 7, 2017, at 11:06 AM, Brett Gordon <beretta42 at gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > I and another person have had similar problems Tim.  I investigated,
> > and found very high latency is the problem.  The PI's software USB
> > coupled with a cheap-o USB->RS232 do-hicky make for horrible
> > latency.  So latent the DW server times out.  Every thing got peachy
> > after I upped my drivewire server's timeout.   I don't know how to
> > do this in Aaron's java based server though :(  I used William's
> > 'lwwire' server to make it work.
> At work, we connect to our flow computers (oil industry) via ethernet
> or serial. Since PCs don't come with serial ports, a USB adapter has
> to be used, and we have to specifically recommend certain ones that we
> know work. I guess this is not an uncommon problems.
> FTDI versions seem to work well for me.

Same here, but I have 2 prolific adapters buried someplace in this midden 
heap. Put fingerprints on them long enough to determine its not a 
prolific, and so far, I've been pleased with the others.
> What I am unsure about is if the USB drivers support full flow
> control. The TTL stuff does not, assuming, I guess, "everything works
> perfectly these days." This would not have worked in the old days of
> modems with MNP compression and such, where flow control was in
> regular operation.
> 		-- A
> 		-- A

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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