[Coco] Basic09 versions

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Wed Jun 7 01:09:31 EDT 2017

Yep.  Definitely nostalgic thinking back...it took a lot more work to 
find the information / parts you needed.  There are a lot of young 
people that don't know what the world was like without Google!

I remember the countless nights coming home to my apartment in Irving, 
TX crunching away on the code for Supercomm and my RuxPro project 
(programming system for Teddy Ruxpin that ran under OS9) and others.  I 
can remember my original RS 300 baud modem with the switch you flipped 
when you heard the carrier on the other end, and how cool it was to 
upgrade to 1200 then 2400 then 9600 then 14,400 bps modems, etc.  and 
all the hand-soldered wires, EPROMs, dot-matrix printers, modifications 
& stuff like that.

I may have mentioned this before but I knew a fellow down there who 
owned a CoCo 1 with serial #000001!  Last time I talked with him a few 
years ago he still had it...


On 6/6/2017 11:56 PM, Wayne Campbell wrote:
> Those were the days. You could find just about anything if you looked
> around. Now, even googling doesn't always return positive results.
> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 9:48 PM, Dave Philipsen <dave at davebiz.com> wrote:
>> The interesting thing is that sometimes I would go down to the warehouse
>> and they would have palettes and tables and shelves of discontinued stuff;
>> old manuals, software, computers, gadgets, etc. It was a computer geek's
>> dream come true.  I guess that's why I was always stopping in to see what
>> cool stuff they might have.  There was also a big ham/electronics flea
>> market on the first Saturday of every month in Dallas under one of the
>> freeway overpasses where I would buy RAM chips, EPROMs, CPUs, and that sort
>> of thing.  This was circa 1985-1989.
>> Dave
>> On 6/6/2017 11:29 PM, Bill Pierce via Coco wrote:
>>> Wayne, I had 2 copies of L1 Basic09 over time, and I don't remember
>>> either being a flippy. I know RS never did fully support flippies... then
>>> they'd had to admit their drives were double sided and explain why they
>>> never updated Basic for double sides.
>>> Bill Pierce
>>> "Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going, no way to
>>> slow down!" - Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull
>>> My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
>>> https://sites.google.com/site/dabarnstudio/
>>> Co-Contributor, Co-Editor for CocoPedia
>>> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
>>> E-Mail: ooogalapasooo at aol.com
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Wayne Campbell <asa.rand at gmail.com>
>>> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
>>> Sent: Wed, Jun 7, 2017 12:23 am
>>> Subject: Re: [Coco] Basic09 versions
>>> That is definitely the Level 1 version. It would be good to have a copy
>>> inwhatever repository is current. Can you tell me if you remember
>>> theoriginal floppy being a flippy? I have heard before that it had some
>>> fileson the opposite side, but I never thought about that when I had my
>>> Level 1system.On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 9:01 PM, Bill Pierce via Coco <
>>> coco at maltedmedia.com>wrote:> Wayne, I have a disk image labeled
>>> "Basic09_1.0.0.dsk", and on it are> BASIC09, INKEY, RUNB, & GFX (no
>>> directories). When run it displays (level> 1, hence all uppercase):>>
>>> RIGHTS RESERVED>> I'm pretty sure it's the same one you are referring to. I
>>> remember SYSCALL> was in the manual and you had to assemble it with asm
>>> yourself.>> I probably copied the disk image from my master disk before my
>>> drives went> out.> I can upload the disk to Guillaume if needed.>>>> The
>>> manual is already in the colorcomputerarchive:>>
>>> http://www.colorcomputerarchive.com/coco/Documents/Manuals/Programming/>
>>> BASIC09%20Programming%20Language%20Reference%20Manual%20-%20Revision%20H%>
>>> 20(Microware%20System%20Corp).pdf>> It is copywritten 1980-1984>>>>>
>>> Bill Pierce> "Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going,
>>> no way to> slow down!" - Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull>> My Music from the
>>> Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3> https://sites.google.com/site/
>>> dabarnstudio/> Co-Contributor, Co-Editor for CocoPedia>
>>> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page>> E-Mail:
>>> ooogalapasooo at aol.com>>>>>> -----Original Message-----> From: Wayne
>>> Campbell <asa.rand at gmail.com>> To: CoCoList <coco at maltedmedia.com>>
>>> Sent: Tue, Jun 6, 2017 10:02 pm> Subject: [Coco] Basic09 versions>> For a
>>> long time I have known this, but have not been able to prove it.> WhenI
>>> first got into the CoCo it was a CoCo2 Korean model and OS-9 Level 1.>
>>> Ialso had the Level 1 Basic09. When I got my CoCo3 and OS-9 Level 2,>
>>> Icompared the two versions of Basic09. T
>>> here were only 3 differences.Level> 14K default buffer size01.00.00
>>> version number in the display text at the> top of the moduleCRC was not the
>>> same as Level 2 Basic09Level 28K default> buffer size01.00.01 version
>>> number in the display text at the top of the> moduleCRC was not the same as
>>> Level 1 Basic09I have never found a disk> image of the Level 1 Basic09
>>> disk. It was soldseparately from OS-9 Level 1.> I have found the Dragon
>>> version of Basic09Level 1 (version 01.00.00), but> it has a different
>>> display text from theCoCo version.I had all but given up> hope of ever
>>> finding a copy of the CoCo Basic09Level 1 disk (or an image).> Today I was
>>> thinking about it, and decided toso some searching. Lo and> behold, I found
>>> what appears to be a pristinecopy for sale on EBay. The> description says
>>> "untested", but the disk andmanual and box look brand new!> There are 3
>>> photos. The middle photo is acloseup of the disk in its sleeve.> The lower
>>> left portion of the exposeddisk shows the version number> 01.00.00.I want
>>> this! It is for sale for $89.99 or best offer, and the> shipping isonly
>>> $3.61. I have enough cash, but I don't have a credit card.> There are
>>> 5people watching it, and the time left is 19 days, 20 hours. No> one has
>>> madean offer yet. If I can get my friend to use his card, I am> going to
>>> buy ittoday. Once I have it, I will need to know if someone on> this list
>>> is herein Los Angeles and can make an image of the disk, and> possibly scan
>>> themanual without destroying it. Then I can add them to the> archive and
>>> wewill have the original Basic09 and manual to go with the> Level 1
>>> system.Wish me luck on getting it!-- WayneThe Structure of> I-Codehttp://
>>> www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/The_> Structure_of_I-Codedecodehttp://
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