[Coco] Linville's ramblings on assembly vs machine code

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Tue Jul 11 00:18:37 EDT 2017

On 11/07/2017 12:29 PM, Melanie and John Mark Mobley wrote:

> I got a surprise with I found that the following two instruction did not
> work the same:
>          CLRA     ; Clear A and the Carry Flag
>          LDA #$00 ; Clear A

Not sure this example has much to do with the ASM vs ML debate, but an 
interesting side note none-the-less.

When programming for different CPUs you come across similar subtleties 
with the Z flag; some clear it on a LOAD, some don't. Seemingly 
innocuous until you start porting code between processors. A good 
example is common practice on the Z80 with a comparison that then loads 
the accumulator with another value before a conditional branch...

> I think that it is important to note that the computer, for the most part,
> cannot distinguish between code and data.  Therefore you must jump in a
> valid address where the code is that you want to run.

It's related to the Halting Problem, which is why disassemblers simply 
can't get it right in every case.


Mark McDougall

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