[Coco] Mod10 Suggestions

William Mikrut wmikrut72 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 16:58:11 EST 2017

Thank you for all of the great suggestion!

I have implemented them and the byte count shrunk from 79 -> 65 ( Almost
20% reduction) and it actually runs faster without the excessive loop

The only thing I didn't try was storing a variable in the DP ($0003)
because I always want my code to be completely independent of there it's

Here is the revised version 2!

(A CoCo based CCD reader would be Awesome!
I wonder if Ingenico would be on board!!)

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 4:34 AM, Mark McDougall <msmcdoug at iinet.net.au>

> On 17/02/2017 5:57 PM, Dave Philipsen wrote:
> Here's a problem.  It's not the credit card digit itself that is being
>> tested for odd/even.  It's the position of the digit.  So you need to do
>> a  'bitb #1' instead of a 'bita #1'.
> Good catch - thanks!
> Regards,
> --
> Mark McDougall
> <http://retroports.blogspot.com.au>
> --
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