[Coco] Heathkit H89

Rob Rosenbrock bester at adamswells.com
Sat Apr 22 13:24:04 EDT 2017

> Since someone mentioned the H89 I was wondering if there is any
> compatibility between mod 1/3 software and the Heath.  The only reason I
> ever picked one up is because it also uses the Zilog Z80. (actually a pair
> of them clocked higher than the trs80s)
> ,
> --
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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I built an H88/H89 many years ago and succeeded in getting a few programs
converted over, but it took a lot of re-writing.

The biggest difference is that the H88/H89 is essentially a terminal with
a built-in host computer. While the display is part of memory on the
TRS-80, video on the H88/H89 is handled by sending characters to the
display. Instead of using PRINT@, you use an ESC sequence. Also, the crude
graphics on the TRS-80 are non-existent on the H88/H89.

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