[Coco] A cornucopia of CoCo videos are coming

Steve Strowbridge ogsteviestrow at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 13:41:53 EDT 2017

So, CoCoFEST! is almost here, there will be plenty of live streams to be
watched during this weekend, along with whatever other random and bonus
videos I'm able to get from the FEST! but wait... there's more!!!

If you need more cowbell, and want as many CoCo videos as possible, you're
in luck!

I've recorded and uploaded 5 new CoCo gameplay videos, these are all cherry
picked games that were patched to run on a CoCo 3 in RGB colors, so they
are all feasts for the eyes

I'll also have a few more videos on the programming in BASIC series
uploaded and scheduled, so expect new content each day for the next 5 days
at least, on top of all the fresh and live content from the Fest.

To watch live streams all weekend long, go to http://live.ogsteviestrow.com

The rest of the videos will be on my YouTube channel

Steve Strowbridge, aka
The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
ogsteviestrow at gmail.com

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