[Coco] Radio Shack Stores

Spencer spencerjar at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 16 12:19:58 EDT 2017

Yeah I'm seeing the Newnan, GA store closing.  It's sad because I've been going to RS stores since I was about 14 and that's 43 years.  Having been in since the last month to see what's marked down yet.  It's a closing chapter in our lives; another store that lost connection with its customer base because of the Internet.
Sorry to see them go; I honestly don't see how they can make it now!  It seems the younger generations never used RS; they use the what they have been brought up with - Internet.  I use it too, like we all do but if you want something the same day RS may have a part, but NOT nowhere near always anymore.  

      From: Richard Lorbieski <rlorbieski at gmail.com>
 To: 'CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts' <coco at maltedmedia.com> 
 Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2017 7:08 PM
 Subject: [Coco] Radio Shack Stores


All the Radio Shack stores in the Sn Antonio, Texas are closing on or before the first week of May. 

I'm sure Radio Shack are closing stores their Store nationwide.

One store had electronic parts for 60% off while another store I visited had theirs at 80% off.

The batteries are 50% off and but one get one free (which makes them affordable).

While most of their stuff is crap, I did manage to find some bargains.

I picked up some conductive etch pens for 6.00 ea. And various large PCB copper boards for $1.37 ea...

Everything is for sale - including fixtures.

Sprint store (phones) have already gone.
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