[Coco] CoCoFest wishes

Joe Grubbs jsgrubbs at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 16 11:52:37 EDT 2017

Hello all,

I really wish I could make it to the Fest this year as I had to miss last year. It just isn't in the cards for me this year either. Back in October I was hit by a car which left me with multiple shattered vertebrae, a skull fracture, and other assorted broken bones. I had three surgeries and spent about a month in the hospital. Miraculously all my fingers and toes still work, and these days I look pretty much back to normal (whatever that is)... aside from a scar running from my forehead and across the top of my head. However physically I'm not up to the challenge of long distance travel in a car or plane. I suppose teleportation would be a nice option. :)

I hope everyone that's going has an awesome time, and I look forward to all the pictures and stories.


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