[Coco] VCC Keyboard Layout

Luis Fernández luis46coco at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 15 09:12:11 EDT 2017

Here is a link of what I am talking about
Is the above method of keyboard tranlation


The new will be similar, but the current default, plus default ones for keyboards designs by country

And additionally set key to key


De: Coco <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com> en nombre de Luis Fernández <luis46coco at hotmail.com>
Enviado: jueves, 13 de abril de 2017 08:10 p.m.
Para: COCO
Asunto: [Coco] VCC Keyboard Layout

To be able to implement international VCC you need to be able to modify the designation or the keyboard layout.

To do this, it would be better to use a configuration file, where people can provide different keyboard configurations, as well as in German or Spanish, so that they can use the emulator more easily

To do this part I see that the configuration of the PC is recorded internally in the code, I would prefer to use a file (even modifiable by the user)

If it's okay, I'll start doing it.


Internal code support added

CoCo 3 teclado
        | [1!] [2" ] [3 #] [4 $] [5%] [6 &] [7' ] [8 (] [9)] [0] [*] [_:] [esc / Pausa ] |
        | [Alt] [qq] [PP] [EE] [Rr] [TT] [AA] [Uu] [II] [Oo] [PP] [@] [Borrar] [Up-A] |
        | [Cntrl] [AA] [Ss] [día] [FF] [Gg] [Hh] [JJ] [KK] [Ll] [; +] [Enter] [Izquierda-A] [Derecho-A] |
        | [Shift] [zz] [XX] [CC] [Vv] [Bb] [Nn] [mm] [<] [.> [/?] [Mayús Dr] [Abajo-A]] |
        | [Espacio] [F1] [F2] |

        Filas y columnas
        | 0-----1-----2-----3-----4-----5-----6-----7 |
        | 0- [@] - [A] - [B] - [C] - [D] - [E] - [F] - [G] |
        | 1- [H] - [I] - [J] - [K] - [L] - [M] - [N] - [O] |
        | 2- [P] - [Q] - [R] - [S] - [T] - [T] - [V] - [W] |
        | 3-[ X ]-[ Y ]-[ Z ]-[UpA]-[DnA]-[LfA]-[RgA]-[spc] |
        | 4- [0] - [2 "] - - [3 #] - [4 $] - [5%] - [6 &] - [7 '] [1!] |
        | 5- [8 (] - [9)] - [: *] - [; +] - [, <] - [_ =] - [. >] - [/]? |
        | 6- [ENT] - [CLR] - [BRK] - [F1] - [F2] - [F3] - [F4] - [SHF] |

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