[Coco] The ultimate VCC hard disk image using EmuDsk

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Sat Apr 15 04:13:20 EDT 2017

> Ron Klein ron at kdomain.org  <mailto:coco%40maltedmedia.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BCoco%5D%20The%20ultimate%20VCC%20hard%20disk%20image%20using%20EmuDsk&In-Reply-To=%3CCANgnoUX3GSgASw55fL5saou9TYSp-XpeuPxXPaKBU1X8iVSkOQ%40mail.gmail.com%3E>
> Fri Apr 14 16:03:41 EDT 2017
> Hi Barry,
> As you know, I'm a big fan of this compilation you put together.  Do you
> have a version of this that runs with an emulator using Drivewire/Becker
> port?
> Thank you!
> -Ron

Sorry, but I have no plans for that at this time. One of the reasons is that it is way too hard to explain to people how to setup a Becker port DriveWire with VCC. I did get it working myself, but generally found it a pain to have to run the DriveWire server every time I want to use VCC. The other method that you use is you can boot from EmuDisk and still have the Becker port drivers and virtual hardware loaded. Not at boot mind you, but you can merge together all the driver files for Becker port DriveWire into a file in /dd/CMDS, call it, say Becker_mods and then just load Becker_mods when you want to use it. The list of stuff to merge together will be something like:

rbdw	dwio	X0	X1	X2	X3	scdwv	N	N1	N2	N3	N4	N5	N6	N7	N8	N9	N10	N11	N12	N13	MIDI	Z1	Z2	Z3	Z4	Z5	Z6	Z7

Make sure you merge the “Becker” versions, not the “Real DriveWire” versions. So something like:
merge rbdw dwio X0 X1 X2 X3 scdwv N N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 MIDI Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 >/dd/CMDS/becker_mods

I do not run a Becker port server, only a serial port DriveWire server, so for now I leave this for you to try and test. I think you can find all the files in /dd/NITROS9/6809L2/MODULES in the RBF and SCF directories. If you try this let me know how it goes.

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