[Coco] Tcp off-loading on CoCo

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Fri Apr 14 01:49:20 EDT 2017

Upon further reflection - I think it was Cyrus Chess or something that Chris Burke got to work under OS-9? Or am I remembering that incorrectly, too?

L. Curtis Boyle
curtisboyle at sasktel.net

> On Apr 13, 2017, at 11:42 PM, William Astle <lost at l-w.ca> wrote:
> On 2017-04-13 10:56 PM, Barry Nelson wrote:
>>> William Astle has Source Code for DUNGEONS OF DAGGORATH already..
>> Really? Could I get a copy? I think I would like to see if I can port it to NitrOS9, or if not a full port, at least get it to run under NitrOS9.
> Before I get into my reply to this message, let me correct what Mr. Boyle said about Daggorpatch in his message: It modifies the game to run from disk under DECB, not OS9.
> I doubt you'll make any progress getting it running under Nitros9. It's a cartridge game that assumes it has full control over the machine. The most likely scenario is that it will end up evicting Nitros9 as part of the startup process which kind of defeats the purpose of running it under Nitros9.
> If you do proceed, it is highly unlikely you'll be able to make DoD work under Nitros9 without some extremely major modifications. It operates using an interesting scheduler (which uses cascaded timer ticks) that runs off the 60Hz IRQ which will fall over dead if it doesn't have total control over the system. Also, the extra overhead you'll end up with running under Nitros9 will make the higher levels either completely unplayable or too easy, even with the gains from running in turbo mode on the Coco3.
> I can pretty much guarantee you you'll have a lot of trouble getting it working on a level 1 system under Nitros9 given that it needs around 14K for runtime data (including two pmode 4 screens which obviously have to be on 512 byte boundaries and the game data itself) and at least 8K for the game code. Changing to position independent code and using the index register based memory access scheme of OS9 will almost certainly raise the code size by 40% or so.
> In short, it's unlikely to be worth trying to get DoD running under Nitros9 since it will probably need to evict Nitros9 as soon as it starts anyway.
> As far as source goes, you'll find two mercurial repositories at http://dod.projects.l-w.ca/
> The "hg" one builds to the original ROM. This is my original disassembly of DoD. It is verified to build a byte for byte accurate ROM image. This version requires 16K RAM and runs from ROM.
> The "hg-lw" one is modified to be an autostarting ".bin" file loaded from disk. It has several enhancements including the ability to save games to disk, a full font including lower case, and a couple of extra features like "ZPAUSE". It cannot save or load from tape. You may find the bits that interface with the ROM routines interesting - it handles both 1.0 and 1.1 disk basic and also won't bail out to the OK prompt on error.
> -- 
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