[Coco] Tcp off-loading on CoCo

Mark D. Overholser marko555.os2 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 14:50:11 EDT 2017

On 13-Apr-17 09:17, William Astle wrote:
> On 2017-04-13 09:57 AM, Lee Patterson wrote:
>> NMI = non maskable interrupt? Why is it slow?
> I'm wondering the same thing.
> The NMI is serviced like the IRQ so the full processor state is saved.
> That will, obviously, make the minimum service time higher than for
> FIRQ. However, in the case of FIRQ, you're going to have to explicitly
> save any registers you clobber on the way in and out of the routine
> which will affect how much of a benefit you get from using it.

Interrupt Routines should be to as Short as Possible anyway..

Take Care of What Might be Lost, and Move On......

> Basically, the NMI isn't any slower than the IRQ once it triggers. As I
> understand it, NMI is edge triggered while  FIRQ and IRQ are level
> triggered.

So if the FIRQ and IRQ are Level Triggered, how many Levels does the 
CoCo Support???


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