[Coco] VCC Update (SIZE)

Luis Fernández luis46coco at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 13 11:20:10 EDT 2017

I notice that the VCC executable (Vcc.exe) is larger than the original without having new utilities, previously media 4k now 8k.

This can be by going from VB6 to VS2015 or something changed by the members of the project as I am new I do not know anything

Not to be handled by github (I have to study)
I do not know who is the main cause of the project (I imagine Bill Piece)
Create a new branch in the project (hopefully not wrong)
I do not know how to learn or with whom to converse to learn how, besides that I do not speak English well, but I have the desire and the animos

Thanks to the community, live the coco


Making  CoCoDskUtil V 1.X.X, Scan magazines and organize maltedmedia

http://cococoding.com/cocodskutil/ Thank Aaron Wolfe

http://www.tandycoco.com<http://www.tandycoco.com/> Thank Brian Blake

My personal blog: http://www.luis45ccs.blogspot.com,

Excuse my English, I use google translator, my language is Spanish, I'm Spanish but I live in Venezuela


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