[Coco] Loaner CoCo 3 from someone who's driving to CoCoFEST!

Steve Strowbridge ogsteviestrow at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 09:32:49 EDT 2017

I was hoping to bring my own CoCo 3 and display to CoCoFEST to have at my
table to have Pop*Star Pilot playing so people could experience it (I will
be having new, sealed copies of the Pop*Star pilot game disc for sale).

Turns out I can't fit the mini flat TV in my suitcase, I'm also concerned
about damage to the TV or the CoCo.

What I would need to "borrow" would be a CoCo 3 with 512K and some form of
I can bring joysticks, and the actual game, etc.

It's a tall order, but as the old saying goes, "It never hurts to ask"

If this is something somebody could help me out with, let me know and I
appreciate it!

Steve Strowbridge, aka
The Original Gamer Stevie Strow
ogsteviestrow at gmail.com

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