[Coco] Tcp off-loading on CoCo

Mark D. Overholser marko555.os2 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 13:12:30 EDT 2017

On 09-Apr-17 08:53, Brett Gordon wrote:
> Modern internet pretty much will require TLS and oauth for the coco
> to do anything internet related (twitter,gmail,fb,  etc.).   This
> would seem to make tcp offloaders like wiznet, or esp8266 less
> desirable?  I'm finding plain tcp has limitations:  many inet
> services pretty much require a secure and authenticated connection.
> brett

Since TLS ( and SSL ) is above the TCP/IP Layer ( about Layer 6 in the 7 
Layer OSI Model ), this could be done in Software on the CoCo, 
Independent of the Network Transport Method, but how fast and how much 
memory it takes would not make this very feasible, other than to prove 
that it could be done...

I have been thinking that a Proxy, like Squid, that will support TLS and 
SSL, could be setup to Accept HTTP Inbound Connections and HTTPS 
Outbound Connections...   For Web Sites that require HTTPS..

I don't recommend doing your Banking over this kind of setup, but for 
Web Sites that are only HTTPS, ( for Trendy Reasons, not because your 
Tunnel needs to be That Secret ), but for a lot of purposes, it doesn't 
really matter...   If your running your Proxy in your local network, the 
chances of anyone of significance getting your data in very slim..

This would mean writing the Network Interface for the CoCo with both a 
Direct Connection and a Proxyed Connection...


Which layer of the OSI model do SSL and TLS belong to?

Squid Proxy


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