[Coco] serial terminal for the coco3

William Astle lost at l-w.ca
Tue Apr 11 18:23:47 EDT 2017

On 2017-04-11 04:02 PM, Paulo Garcia wrote:
> So looking at the source code I see something like
> LDA #'
> lwasm doesn't like that. I assume there is a space that is taken out by my
> editor. What is that doing? loading the ASCII code of space into A?
> Is there another way to to that? like LDA   #32 ?
> Thanks
> Paulo

Yes, the ' does mean to use the ASCII value of the next character so if 
the missing character is a space, then, yes, you can replace it with 32.

This particular issue is actually a good reason not to use the ASCII 
business with a space character.

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