[Coco] ?AO ERROR with SDC

Rietveld Rietveld rietveldh at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 9 00:45:56 EDT 2017

If I have a. Dsk open in drive 0, then try to do a :

DRIVE 1, "name of disk. Dsk"

I get the? AO ERROR

I understand the reason for the error but I don't know how to 'close / eject' the disk so that I can insert it into drive 1.
The only time this is a problem is if I am viewing the contents of it via SDCX before trying to add files to it from a physical disk.

I have been reorganizing physical disk's that are full of mixed program types, ie games and utilities and graphics into individual virtual images that make more sense.

Sent from my ⑩ Passport SE using the QNX Neutrino RTOS; not running Android or IOS.

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