[Coco] The Hobbit for Dragon users with CoCo-SDC

Pere psergm at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 14:42:08 EDT 2016

Hello Tano-Dragon users,
I thought I had to share a trick I MUST do to be able to play
the Hobbit with Dragon and CoCo-SDC virtual drives.

You should be aware that the DOSPus extender occupies
about 15kb and so it collides with the Hobbit that needs
the RAM from $E000-$FEE3 for its data.
So if you mount the disc and exec the binary, it simply hangs ...

To avoid the problem we need to start the SDC with a NOT
extended DOS. I have burned in a number of  banks of the SDC
some DOS: DOSPlus5.0, DDOS1.1C, DDOS1.3A, DDOS4.1 that way
I can test the Hobbit with any one of these systems.

I start the Dragon with the CoCo-SDC and then I mount the disk:
- BANK1,R   that way I start the DOSPlus5.0 in MAP1 (not extended)
- RUN"H1.BIN" and time to play!

For maybe some people don't know how to burn a DOS into an
SDC bank, you will find an VDK file here:

It contains the DOSPlus5.0 and a Basic program that will to the task.
You can substitute the DOSplus for any other Disk Operating
Sytem you'd prefer, but must NOT exceed the 8k limit!


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