[Coco] CocoLink232
RETRO Innovations
go4retro at go4retro.com
Wed May 4 23:03:28 EDT 2016
Not sure if anyone is interested, but I designed a Color Computer
compatible RS232 cartridge called CocoLink232. It offers the following
* 100% compatible with Tandy and compatible RS232 cartridges
* Fits in a regular game cart shell
* Includes Sockmaster's RS232 mods
* Supports additional speeds 57,600bps, 115,200bs, and 230,400bps
* Additional speeds can be "locked" to support usage in older terminal
programs that do not understand the newer bps rates.
* Works in Coco 2 and 3, does not require +-12V to operate
* Does not require additional register locations for usage
* Can be configured to reside in 4 distinct locations in Coco memory map
* TXD and RXD indicators
* Jumpers for DSR/DCD swapping and RTS configuration
* Design under Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA 4.0) and firmware under GPL
For those who do Facebook, I put a pic up:
I'll try to put some other pics up on go4retro.com when I get a chance.
Let me know if there is any interest in the project.
RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic Systems
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