[Coco] OS-9/68K raw disk access syntax

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Fri Jan 1 11:43:25 EST 2016

So, as another attempt to make a disk image file on the MM/1, I thought 
I would write the floppy image to a ramdisk (since I don't have a 
working hard drive on the MM/1 at the moment), then compress it, and see 
if I could squeeze it back on a FAT formatted floppy disk.  I thought I 
might be able to do this like so:

copy /d1@ /r0/image.dsk

Copy complains:  "can't get file descriptor.  Error #000:214". errmsg 
says "The file was found, but is inaccessible in the requested mode.  
Check the file's owner ID and access attributes."

The OS-9 manual mentions that you need to be superuser to use raw disk 
access, and it sounds like maybe that is tripping me up here. But there 
are no user accounts set up on this boot floppy, as far as I can tell.  
Wouldn't superuser be the default, or is there some 'su' equivalent I'm 
forgetting about?  Or do I just have the syntax wrong?


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