[Coco] Hxc floppy emulator with Coco2

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Fri Feb 12 17:25:18 EST 2016

With DSKINI, the track first goes from 0-34, then goes back to Track 0 to
begin the verify pass.  Sounds like the first sector it attempted to verify
failed the attempt to read it back and generated the IO error, if you saw
just the one pass.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 4:45 PM, didier derny <didier at aida.org> wrote:

> it tried a dskini..  I saw the track "moving" on the HxC but at the end I
> got the error message
> as if a "ready" signal was not received correctly..
> is there any pinout of the controller somewhere ?
> before I was using the HxC on a PC  under MSDOS 2.11 (it worked correctly)
> thanks
> --
> didier
> On 12/02/2016 22:26, Gabriel Holland via Coco wrote:
>> Yes, I have used mine with a CoCo 2 and I recall getting something like
>> the I/O error.  It's been a while since I tried to use them together but
>> there was a certain magic sequence I had to use to get the HXC recognized.
>> Of course, the first struggle was making sure the wires were connected with
>> the correct side up.  Then I THINK after I booted the CoCo with the HxC
>> attached I had to reset it.
>> When I get home I'll look around my papers because I think I wrote it
>> down on my printout of games.
>>      On Friday, February 12, 2016 3:50 PM, didier derny <didier at aida.org>
>> wrote:
>>   Any experience with the HxC floppy emulator connected to a coco 2 ?
>> I wanted to try the HxC with the coco but no success
>> all commands leads to  "? IO ERROR"
>> is its clear (according to the HxC LCD display that the coco controls at
>> least partly the HxC)
>> any idea ?
>> thanks
>> --
>> didier
> --
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