[Coco] Computer Assisted translation of programs form 6502 to 6809

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Thu Feb 4 00:48:48 EST 2016

Well, I don't have a need for one right now really, whether 6502 or 
6809.  I think it was actually Sleuth that I used back in the 80s and it 
did what I needed.  Nowadays I haven't really run across many things 
that I would want/need to disassemble.


On 2/3/2016 10:06 PM, camillus gmail wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I wanted to comment to Barry's message, Is he looking for a 6502 disassembler?
> Then Sleuth.dsk on gene's fpt site is cool.
> I got it running under os9 in VCC ( the file is a 35 track image so maybe dmode /Dx ( x = 0-3) tracks=23 ( hex for 35) did the trick for me.
> If you or he needs the file let me know and I send it.
> cb
> On 2/3/2016 6:31:01 PM, Dave Philipsen <dave at davebiz.com> wrote:
> Wow! It's a shame you don't have it anymore. I will have to say,
> though, I haven't had the need to personally disassemble anything
> lately. But having a 6809 disassembler back in the early 80s enabled me
> to land a corporate job for a company that desperately needed changes to
> 6809 code for which the original designer was unwilling to make the
> changes for them.
> Dave
> On 2/3/2016 6:16 PM, Barry Nelson wrote:
>> Actually, it did add some comments, mostly for known hardware port address and BASIC subroutine addresses like this:
>> STA $FF7F Multi-pak slot select
>> Stuff like that. It only disassembled 6809 code though, not 6502, and it assumed the code was running on CoCo hardware.
>>> Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
>>> Wed Feb 3 18:45:17 EST 2016
>>> That would be very cool, Barry. I hope you find it sometime. Maybe if
>>> you get a chance you can improve upon it and create a disassembler that
>>> creates comments! :-)
>>> Dave
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