[Coco] Coco 3 telnet through Drivewire?

Rod Barnhart rod.barnhart at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 15:11:20 EST 2016

If you're set on DECB, then Drivewire won't do what you're looking to do.

My solution, which is system agnostic, was to use tcpser on a Raspberry Pi
Zero. I stuffed the zero, along with a USB serial adapter, USB wifi
adapter, and powered USB hub, into an old external modem's case. With the
proper serial cable, I can connect it to any of my retro computers and
telnet out using any available terminal program for that computer.

For a CoCo, this means I would need to run Drivewire with an external
serial cart, and my "modem" on the bitbanger, if I were to need both
Driveware and the "modem" at the same time.

Rod Barnhart (http://www.nitemarecafe.com)

On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 1:38 AM, Barry Nelson <
barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com> wrote:

> > Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com  <mailto:coco%40maltedmedia.com
> ?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BCoco%5D%20Coco%203%20telnet%20through%
> 20Drivewire%3F&In-Reply-To=%3CCAA6uQZTNvhEZaSRKjB5xuaLhvrT
> 4KnBQMJMPpPBj0j5N-p%2BMAg%40mail.gmail.com%3E>
> > Tue Dec 20 00:13:25 EST 2016
> > I don't think there is any DECB program that has been modified to work
> with
> > drivewire.  Most os9 programs should work unchanged, supercomm is one
> > example the works well.  Hacking a DECB terminal program is use drivewire
> > is probably not difficult and I'm happy to help anyone that wants to.
> >
> > -Aaron
> To my knowledge there are no DECB programs that can use DriveWire serial
> links, but if you shutdown DriveWire and use one of these programs below
> you can bridge your serial port to TCP/IP without using DriveWire and that
> will work with DECB.
> https://www.commfront.com/collections/serial-tcp-ip <
> https://www.commfront.com/collections/serial-tcp-ip>
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/serialtoip/?source=directory <
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/serialtoip/?source=directory>
> https://kaseramicro.com/serialtcp-for-mac/ <https://kaseramicro.com/
> serialtcp-for-mac/>
> --
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