[Coco] Help with some HiRes CoCo 3 MMU settings
Glen Hewlett
glen.hewlett at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 7 19:45:27 EST 2016
Hi Robert,
Thanks for the example code, It works fine for the FIRQ as it is, and I can hopefully use this to get my IRQ version working. I noticed that in your Interrupt section the first thing you do is a “lda $FF93” is there a reason for reading the FIRQENR every time the interrupt is called?
Just trying to learn…
Thanks again. Your code will help.
> On Dec 7, 2016, at 6:17 PM, Robert Gault <robert.gault at att.net> wrote:
> Glen Hewlett wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> I think William Astle, has figured out some of my problems are CoCo 1 & 2 Interrupts that are still enabled and running in the background. I guess you guys would have figured out that if I sent the entire code, but my program is actually quite big at this time. Although just for learning and testing I’ve now shrunk it down to a quick little setup and test code. Whenever I finish my program I will share it on the list, I just don’t want to go into any details of the actual program right now.
>> You said I don’t want the fast rate enabled for the Timer Clock source. Why not? Is that only used for sound and too many interrupts for a general program to use? Or am I way off? Another question from Sock Masters site I read:
>> FF91 (65425) Initialization Register 1 - INIT1
> Glen,
> You can use the fast clock timer if you know what you are doing and realize that the value is not that in the service manual 70nsec but rather 279nsec.
> With MESS/MAME as your test base, you could easily set a break points in your service routines to see what is happening.
> Robert
> PS Below is an example of using the Fast Timer.
> * This is intended to determine the rate of the GIME fast timer
> org $7000
> start ldy #0
> sty count
> lda $FEF4
> ldx $FEF5
> sta OldFIRQ
> stx OldFIRQ+1
> orcc #$50
> lda #$7E JMP
> leax FIRQ,pcr
> sta $FEF4
> stx $FEF5
> lda #$34
> sta $ff01
> sta $ff03
> lda #%01011100
> sta $FF90
> lda #%00100000
> sta $FF91 fast timer
> sta $FF93 FIRQ engage
> ldd #$FFF this should be 1.144E-3 seconds
> std $FF94
> andcc #$AF
> a@ bra a@
> OldFIRQ rmb 3
> count fdb 0
> FIRQ lda $FF93
> ldy count
> leay 1,y
> sty count
> cmpy #52447 should be 60 seconds
> beq exit
> rti
> exit orcc #$50 the time lost here is too small to matter
> lda OldFIRQ
> ldx OldFIRQ+1
> sta $FEF4
> stx $FEF5
> clra
> sta $FF91
> sta $FF93
> sta $FF95
> sta $FF94
> lda #%01001100
> sta $FF90
> lda #$35
> sta $FF03
> andcc #$af
> puls a,x,pc
> end start
> --
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