[Coco] #CoCoWeekend

Chris Osborn fozztexx at fozztexx.com
Sun Dec 4 13:53:42 EST 2016

On Dec 4, 2016, at 10:30 AM, Barry Nelson <barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com> wrote:

> I posted a score for Adventure, then I noticed the web page at http://highscore.fozztexx.com <http://highscore.fozztexx.com/> lists only Aerail Attack, Android Attack, Frogger, Mega-Bug, and Megapede. From the mailing list post it looked like any game was allowed as it did not have a specific list. Is any game allowed and You (probably) have just not updated the leader board or is it only these games?

You're welcome to play any game you want, but the rules for the contest are the same as on RetroBattlestations contests where real hardware is required. The main goal of the challenge is to inspire people to get out the real deal and get some use out of it, the decals are just a bribe to get them to do it. ;-)

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