[Coco] Valid file names for Disk BASIC

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Fri Apr 8 15:57:27 EDT 2016

Doesn't it mean the NUL character, which is CHR$(0) ?

Le 2016-04-07 à 15:13:00, Salvador Garcia a écrit :

> Thank you all. All explanations were very clear. I am not sure what to 
> make out of the "zero" not allowed indication. The only reason why this 
> could be is that long ago the zero and oh were similar (or same) 
> character, so there were instances where the "0" char was not allowed to 
> avoid confusion, but does not make sense for a modern era computer. 
> Since the "0" char has been used successfully, I can easily dismiss it 
> as it having some other meaning. Again thanks! The Unraveled explanation 
> was particularly interesting. Regards, Salvador

| Mathieu BOUCHARD ---------- tél: 514.623.3801 ---------- Montréal, QC

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