[Coco] fuzix

Mathieu Chouinard chouimat at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 11:17:06 EDT 2016

thanks for the information

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Tormod Volden <lists.tormod at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Brett Gordon wrote:
>> Thats a good question.  I now there's patches for IDE somewheres.
>> I'm pretty sure Tormod will know.  I've only half-heartedly looked
>> at/compiled the CoCo2 branch a few weeks ago.  The booter farts out.
>> It gets loaded to $600 which really doesn't work, as this is the
>> file/dir buffer area for DECB.  This shouldn't be hard to fix, really.
>> Would you like to work on the CoCo2 branch?  I'm way too busy with the
>> CoCo3 branch, but we'd love to see it working on the CoCo2.  Ask Alan,
>> Tormod, or me any questions you have about the source/structure of
>> fuzix.
>> 2016-04-01 10:08 GMT-04:00 Mathieu Chouinard:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was looking at the source code of fuzix last night
>>> and I saw the coco2 port, and I'm wondering where are the xroar IDE patches?
>>> Mathieu
> They are in the "ide" branch of Ciaran's XRoar git repo.
> Yes, it would be great if you want to work on this port!
> Regards,
> Tormod
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