[Coco] Older MPI with CoCo 3
Arthur Flexser
flexser at fiu.edu
Mon Sep 28 23:20:03 EDT 2015
I would think that if you weren't using OS-9 (NitrOS-9) you could get by
without any MPI upgrade. Though I have heard it claimed that this puts
extra wear and tear on the GIME--I'm not hardware-oriented enough to judge
the accuracy of that claim.
On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 9:05 PM, Robert Hermanek <rhermanek at centurytel.net>
> Well, and perhaps someone can chime in as to whether the upgrade is really
> "needed" or not? As I understand it, an un-modified MPI only interferes
> with some of the coco3's interrupt processes... but in most situations,
> i.e. just plugging some of your favorite carts all in at once, there will
> not necessarily be a problem.
> I did not notice any issues with MPI+coco3 until I was doing some very
> specific interrupt related ML programming. Then I ran with my hat in my
> hand to Cloud9 and they fixed me up :)
> -RobertH
> On 9/28/2015 6:44 PM, Corey Bryant wrote:
>> I just picked up an older MPI off of EBay and I am under the impression
>> that I'll need to swap out a chip or two in order for this thing to work
>> with a CoCo 3. What am I going to need for this? Are the chips still
>> available?
>> Thanks!
>> Corey
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