[Coco] DS1216 question..

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Mon Sep 21 19:30:39 EDT 2015

George Ramsower wrote:
>   Some time back, I had asked about setting this DS1216 chip. I want to be able
> to set it from within B09 with B09 data.
>   The "setclk" module I'm using now will only accept input from the keyboard.
>   If I attempt to set it...for example such as "setclk yy/mm/dd/hh/mm/ss" it
> prompts me to enter those same data. There is no way to enter the data from the
> command line except for after starting that application and it prompts me for
> that same data.
>   I'm using a program that requires very accurate time and, even though that
> clock chip keeps pretty good time, I want to use my B09 program to be able to
> reset it on a scheduled basis to correct it for the errors that it does, natively.
>   So, I'm still looking for a "setclock" utility that will work this way....
>  From B09, I want to do the usual.....
> "shell setclock yy mm dd hh mm ss" from within the program and the program will
> calculate the error of the smartwatch based on known errors over a period of
> time and reset it accordingly. Thus, it will keep it on time. Should things
> change within that smartwatch, I can change the "reset" values accordingly.
>   I understand this is a very strange request but I really do want a "setclock"
> that will allow me to do this.
> Suggestions welcome!!
> George R.


Your request has me confused. :(

How can your Basic09 program keep better time than the DS1216? If the Basic09 
program by some chance is more accurate than the DS1216, why use the clock chip 
at all?
The Basic09 program must be getting its data from somewhere and presumably you 
are not entering it as that would be self defeating. So what is the B09 program 


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