[Coco] lwtools assembler difference

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Wed Sep 2 08:20:16 EDT 2015

Dave Philipsen wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, does EDTASM do anything differently with this?
>          org    $0000
> Symbol  rmb    1
>          ldb    Symbol,x

Here is what EDTASM will do. Keep in mind that the stock EDTASM will not accept 
lowercase but my EDTASM6309 patch will. Also EDTASM, if you try to assemble the 
above 'in memory, absolute origin', will complain about BAD MEMORY. This 
location is used by the system. You can assemble to disk, tape, or 'No Object' 
at $0000 without complaints.

$0001	$E6, $00

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