[Coco] Disk Controllers for the Dragon...

didier derny didier at aida.org
Mon Oct 26 12:11:22 EDT 2015

why not a punched tape reader ? :)
why a coco 3 if we can use a modern pc  :)


On 26/10/2015 16:30, Zippster wrote:
> But…, is it retro enough?
> Who’s interested in a punched tape reader?
> Just kidding!  :)
> - Ed
>> On Oct 26, 2015, at 9:35 AM, Phill Harvey-Smith <afra at ramoth.org.uk> wrote:
>> On 26/10/2015 14:21, Barry Nelson wrote:
>>>> Because I like using floppy disks, and can't be bothered with all
>>>> the
>>>> work it takes to manage a CocoSDC. Managing floppies is much
>>>> easier.
>>> Huh? Say what? (Scratches head in bewilderment.) Ok, if you say so, I
>>> guess.
>> I have to say that this attitude is not unique, I ended up designing and have just ordered a bunch of floppy disk boards for the Acorn Atom because a friend of mine who exhibits at retro computer fairs wanted to
>> load from floppies rather than SD cards. Something to do with it actually being more retro, because though the hardware is new, it was something that was available back when the machine was current. I asked on the Acorn forum and he certainly wasn't the only one interested.
>> On the other hand I'm still working on and off on DragonMMC :) :)
>> Cheers.
>> Phill.

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